Trauma, PTSD & cPTSD

For adults who are ready to transform their emotional scars into their true, authentic whole self.

Maybe you grew up with dysfunction in your family. You learned the unspoken family rules — don’t talk and don’t feel. You’re ready to stop being the fixer.

Maybe you experienced something that no one should have to experience, and your body has been in survival mode ever since. You’re ready to be able to relax and breathe. 

Some days it is all you can do to just survive. You find yourself full of self-criticism and contempt. Guilt and shame show up at the most inopportune times in your life, making you feel broken.

You feel you aren’t enough, you don’t do enough — yet doing too much overwhelms you.

This is what it feels like when we find ourselves living with symptoms of trauma (PTSD) or complex trauma (CPTSD). Trauma is often the underlying cause of the anxiety and depression symptoms that many people suffer from.

Maybe you’ve read self-help books, talked to your doctor or tried therapy before — but nothing has helped. You keep finding yourself repeating old patterns and are ready for a healthy new routine.

You strive to be the best version of yourself possible, but something keeps getting in the way. Let us guide you on your journey of growth, healing and transformation.

You are enough — just the way you are.

We believe therapy is much like the Japanese method of Kintsugi. In this unique method, there is a meaningful metaphor for transformation. It is not just about putting the pieces of one’s brokenness back together. The fractures and breaks are emphasized and held in awe, reverence, and restoration. The gold-filled cracks are a testament to one’s history. It is about the reclaiming of self in which our shattered pieces are transformed into a beautiful, thriving masterpiece. The piece is revitalized and becomes even more beautiful, thanks to its gold-filled scars.

You are ready to be the authentic and genuine you. To live with a sense of purpose, value and self-worth. It is time to spread joy, kindness and compassion to yourself and those around you.

You are not alone, there is hope, healing and transformation.

There isn’t one right way to treat symptoms of PTSD and cPTSD. We believe in being more like a cook — flexible and forgiving; not like a baker — precise and exact. We like to cherry-pick from a wide variety of theories and models to create a unique therapeutic experience for each individual we work with — we are all one of a kind.

As we work together, you will gain awareness of old patterns and learn to implement healthier ways of being in the world. You will learn to extend grace and compassion to yourself. You will find yourself being fully present both with yourself and those you care about.

You will learn how to set boundaries in your life and to do so from a place of love.

You will find yourself calm and centered, able to experience joy and excitement. There will be clarity in your life. 

As you grow and transform, you find freedom. You will find yourself celebrating and honoring yourself with an open heart.

Other ways the body holds trauma include: 

  • Nightmares

  • Flashbacks

  • Hypervigilance

  • Hyperarousal

  • Tension

  • Chronic pain and/or headaches

  • Unwelcomed physical sensations

  • Intense and disturbing emotional reactions that seem out of place

  • Shut down

A brighter future starts today.