Post-traumatic Growth Therapy

For adults who are ready to transition from pain to growth.

The unimaginable has happened. You’ve experienced something that you never thought would happen to you. You have lived through a trauma. 

You’ve been in the trenches of grief, pain, and disbelief. You’ve started processing your trauma. You’ve worked on yourself with a therapist, or maybe with a group. You’re doing the work to heal as much as you can. You’re working on yourself every day. 

The impact of trauma is real and needs to be treated. What happened to you is valid, and it is something that will be with you throughout your life. 

But what if you were told that you can grow from this pain? That you are a resilient, strong individual and that you have the potential to come out from this struggle to cope with your trauma and turn it into something beautiful?

Post-traumatic growth states that we are capable of growth during our struggle as well as in the aftermath of traumatic events. The trauma could be the death of a loved one, medical diagnosis, family-of-origin trauma, sexual assaults – any number of terrible things. You have lived through something terrible. And you can come out on the other side a different, whole person. 

You will know that you are growing after trauma when your thinking begins to shift from “how did this happen” to “what will help me move forward”? And “how can I grow from this”?

This is a difficult transition. If you are not ready to think this way yet, if you’re still in the thick of processing your trauma, that is okay. This is hard work, and there is no timeline for when or if you’ll get to this point. Be gentle with yourself–you are healing and learning every day. 

We are here to help you with this new way of thinking. It can be empowering and scary to realize that you’ve gone from pain to growth, and it is something that often needs help figuring out. We are trauma specialists, and there is nothing we would love to do more than walk with you through your healing journey. 

There is life after trauma. There is a new version of you waiting to be discovered and nurtured. We are here to nurture you, in every phase of change. Let us be there to see who you are and who you’ve become – we think you’ll like them. 

Growth after trauma can look like:

  • Realizing the event wasn’t your fault

  • Knowing there was nothing you could’ve done to stop/prevent the event

  • Focusing on the fact that you survived 

  • Focusing on the help you received from others

  • Seeing this as an opportunity to connect with others 

  • Using it as an opportunity to grow personally/make a difference in the world 

A brighter future starts today.