Therapy for College Students

group session at mindbody wellness

For students of any age who are ready to go from stress and anxiety to knowledge and power.

Being a student is hard.  

You feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. Everyone has sky-high expectations of you, especially yourself. You want to get good grades, excel in your chosen field, and set yourself up for future success, but it takes its toll. You are tired. You are stressed beyond belief. You don’t know if you’re on the path that you want. 

You feel pressure to socialize and seem like everything’s fine, even when you feel like you’re drowning in papers and deadlines. You thought that your major was the perfect fit for you, but now you’re constantly doubting yourself and your choices. Making friends and juggling relationships with library trips is a lot harder than you expected. You miss home. 

You see your peers and they appear to be having the time of their lives. They seem carefree and like they’re enjoying every minute. You wonder, are these really supposed to be the best years of your life? What is it that you’re missing out on that everyone else seems to know?

You feel lost. 

You’ve attempted to navigate these complex feelings on your own. For most people, college is the first time they leave their hometowns and venture out, and that creates more change than most expect. Add on the pressures from friends, family and professors, and college is one of the most challenging times in life. 

It doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn how to give yourself grace and remember that you don’t have to get 100% on every assignment. You can learn how to cope with the stresses and demands that come with being a student. You can feel confident in your choices, path, and future, and you can have support for when those doubts come creeping back. 

We are here to help you to grow, not only as a student, but as a person. This is a hard time of transition, but it can also be an incredibly exciting and rewarding time of self-discovery. We are here to show you how to navigate the hurdles of college with a little more ease. Let us help you discover how.

A brighter future starts today.