Toxic Workplaces

mindbody wellness office space

For adults who want to take back control of their work lives.

It’s Sunday night, or maybe even Sunday morning, and that feeling in the pit of your stomach returns. You feel anxious. You may feel physically sick. Your weekend ends long before the clock says that it does as you watch the hours tick by, closer to returning to work. You can only focus on the work week starting again in the morning. 

You live in a constant state of heightened fear. You are always on high alert, waiting for the next attack. You are jumpy and easily startled. You are always looking around you at the office, never believing that you’re safe. You flinch when you hear someone walking past your desk. You are always ready to flee to the safety of a bathroom or empty room. 

You can only relax once your car pulls out of the parking lot, but you aren’t fully calm until Friday evening rolls around and you’re done for the week. You have to work to live. But you aren’t really living anymore. 

You’re experiencing a toxic workplace. Your coworkers are actively harming you. Maybe they’re harassing you with cruel jokes or inappropriate comments. Maybe they’re belittling you. Maybe they’re mocking you, making you feel like you’re in high school again hiding from the bullies. 

Just because you are an adult does not mean that you’ve left the cruelties of teenagehood behind. Unfortunately, the mean kid still exists in adulthood. 

You feel stuck. You can’t afford to not have a job, but your mental health is plummeting. You start to wonder if making a living is worth sacrificing your peace and personhood. 

It isn’t. You are worth so much more than a paycheck. You are a human being meant to work to live, not live to work. 

We can help. We can work with you to gain your power back and take back control. We can teach you how to cope. We can be a sounding board and confidant. We are on your side. 

Workplace bullying is real. Toxic workplaces are common in our society–but that does not mean that it has to be accepted or tolerated. You deserve a life free of fear and intimidation. Let us help you to start ending the cycle of bullying and toxicity. 

You will be okay. We will show you how to be. 

A brighter future starts today.